Information of RCCNT-8

Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Physical Society
Nuclear Society of Russia
Mendeleev Chemical society of Russia
Moscow Lomonosow State University
Russian Peoples’ Friendship State University
State Technical University (MADI)
Dear Colleges,
The 8th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation (RCCNT-8) is to be held during October 4 – October 11, 2000. The place of the Conference is in Dagomys near the city of Sochi that is the best recreation and holiday place on the Black See shore.

The program of the Conference includes the following subjects:
*Experimental research in cold fusion, transmutation and ball lightning
*Theoretical models with respect to cold fusion effects
*Applied technologies and divices

The Organizing Committee of the Conference is pleased to invite everybody to attend the Conference. The terms of your participation are as follows:
The full cost is $900 which will include the registration fee, hotel reservation and living, 3 daily buffet meals, conference proceedings, transportation from the Sochi airport and back, social dinner and special excursion.
The languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
The total cost can be reduced down to $800 if transfered before August 20 to the account of the Organizing Committee. The number of the bank account and the routing number will be sent on your request.
If you make a decision to take part in the Conference please let us know before July 20 about the title and abstract of your report.

Contact telephones:
Tel. (7)(095)-1967117; Fax. (7)(095)-1966108
Tel. (7)(095)-1510333; Fax.(7)(095)-1510331
Address: Moscow 105077, p/o box 169, Yu. Bazhutov
Address: 123182, Moscow, Russia, Kurchatov Sq.1, I. Goryachev
Organizing Committee RCCNT-8